
5 Tips for Building a Signature Series that Sells

Imagine if instead of spending endless amounts of time hustling to get new clients into just one class every week...
Michael Jay
7 min read

Are you a wellness teacher or studio who spends more time hustling than thriving?

If so, you’re not alone. Imagine if instead of spending endless amounts of time hustling to get new clients into just one class every week, you spent a short dedicated amount of time to build a strong system that impacts more lives, brings in more income, and creates a stronger community with loyal students. Think of all you could do in your business with more time on your schedule and guaranteed stable income.

Cue the signature course. The smarter way to run a fitness business is to create a course to solve the problems of your students. That offer becomes irresistible to them and an easy sell for you. The best part about creating a signature course is that once it’s built, you can run it again and again, as many times as you like, to bring in a reliable income annually.

In my 13 years as a successful yoga studio owner, I offered a mixture of memberships alongside registered series such as Beginner 101 Yoga, Yoga for Men, and Yoga for Mental Health. The registered series brought in guaranteed income, built and strengthened the studio community, and brought stability to the studio and teachers’ schedules.  Now, I use the same unique system I used at the studio as a certified business consultant, to help yoga teachers and yoga studios create their own signature series to shift their businesses from hustling to thriving.

Here are five tips that can help you easily build, sell and market your very own signature course:

1) Define your purpose

The first tip to creating a signature course is defining your purpose. This is why you do what you do and it takes reflection upon your own story. This tip is key. What you share with your students must be in alignment with who you are and what you offer or your course won’t sell. Key questions that can help you define your purpose include: Why are we doing this? Why are we in business? Why do we exist? What are we great at? And Why are we good at what we do?

2) Identify your ideal client

Once you’ve identified your purpose, you can easily identify who you want to serve. To identify your perfect customer you have to do some research into the demographics of the area you are serving, identifying key aspects such as age range, family status, career profile, and lifestyle. Really do a deep dive to understand who your studio is serving. From here, you can create a client avatar, which is a hypothetical student who exemplifies your ideal client. Everything you do should help serve your avatar’s needs. Your ideal client is often a reflection of who you were before you started your yoga practice or fitness studio. You could have the greatest service, but if you’re trying to sell it to the wrong person it will be very difficult to hit your goals.

3) Pinpoint your ideal clients’ problems

This is a crucial step in creating your series. People will pay for a solution to their problems. Take a look at your client avatar and find out what they need. Are they looking for stress release? Efficient strength-building? Short and sweet classes or in-depth dives into topics? Use a tool like FitGrid’s Client Feedback feature to understand your community’s pain points.  Once you determine your ideal clients’ problems, you can identify the skills you offer to solve their problems. Get crystal clear about how your offerings will solve your customers’ problems.

4) Figure out where your ideal client hangs out

Now that you know who you want to serve, it’s time to identify where your ideal client hangs out. You want to be wherever their eyeballs are and in their direct line of sight. Which social media apps do they use? What websites do they visit? Are they reading local newspapers? Are they hanging out in coffee shops or health food stores? This is critical research needed to create a marketing plan.

5) Create your simple custom marketing plan

Identifying your purpose, who you serve, your ideal clients’ problems, and where your ideal client hangs out gives you all of the data you need to map out the marketing plan for your signature series on a small budget. A simple example might be that you have created a program such as Yoga for Men that is running in a studio at a downtown location. You have also identified that the demographic of men are mostly on Facebook. With that information, you can run a simple Facebook ad campaign, targeted at men only within a certain radius of that studio location. This campaign is super targeted and ensures that you spend your advertising dollars getting in front of the eyeballs of people who are likely to convert.

Once you’ve followed these tips, you are ready to launch your signature series and shift from hustling solopreneur to thriving and living to your fullest potential.